Sunday, June 10, 2012


Hello Everyone!!

Beautiful but hot day today, so will be spending most of it inside...

Wt today is still 182, so no change their, but it will come..
I have noticed that I've been a little bit hungry then usual lately, but I have not gone off track once since getting the band and I sure won't now..
 I just saw my P. A and we both agreed no fill this time, so I don't go back until Sept now.. I hope I can go that long, if not I will have to call her. I just don't want to get a fill right now, because I am heading on vacation the end of July and don't want to be traveling with a new fill.. 
 I keep sticking to what my guildlines are and haven't gone off once, I'm real proud of that. It's hard sometimes, like yesterday.. My hubby and I went to the movies and he of course got a med popcorn (which you know med popcorn is really a large ) and soda, me; bottle water. I wanted a bite of popcorn but I didn't take it.. Those times I'm so proud of myself.. I'm so afraid of screwing up, or gaining wait I just won't go off track.. I can't!!

When I started this journey I sat down with my hubby and told him he was going to be on his own as far as food is concerned. I wasn't going to cook for him anymore ( unless he wanted to eat what I do ). I know that sounds bad, but I came to a decision that I for once was going to look after me for a change..I have looked after him and our daughter and it's now my turn.. He was great about it, he said " you do whatever you need to " so I am.. We go shopping for food together and he buys what he wants and I get what I need.. Of course he gets frozen pizza's, frozen foods, etc,by the way, my husband is approx 6 pounds over weight, makes me sick, lol! Anyway, he comes home from work, pops his stuff in the microwave and off he goes.. I of course have to smell all that stuff and that's hard. But I have noticed as the time goes by that sometimes the smell makes me feel sick.. I seem to be more sensitive to smells. Things I used to like, like garlic sometimes makes me sick.. The smell is just to strong now.. I eat pretty blend things, like protein and salads, or some kind of veggie so there's no season to it. Except for the tsp of salad dressing I have..
Do you find this?? that your more sensitive to certain smells?? 

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